Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Evaluating Intercultural Behavior

The world is like a “salad bowl” with many different cultures.
It is really one wonderful point of mankind. Everybody is different, making meeting and exchanges between men and women very exciting.
However this cohabitation of different cultures can create disagreements or wars. I was deeply hurt during my trip in the middle east of the diseases created by the intercultural gap that exists between Israel and Palestinians. I met students from Palestinian Universities and Israeli Universities. I realized that even if all of them were very different (different religion, opposite reasons to fight…) all were suffering of the same manner of this war.
At the first glance each of them seemed to have a good reason to hate the opposite side, however while going through discussion I realized that this war was due to a lake of dialogue between each side. Indeed they were building there own misfortune due to an inappropriate intercultural behavior.
To conclude we can say that intercultural gap is an opportunity to discover different ways of living, but it can also create conflicts. It is up to us to have a good intercultural behavior by always trying to understand the state of mind of our interlocutor.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Thomas,

    It is really sad to see people suffering in war, especially if the cause of conflicts is due to miscommunication. Personally, I feel that all these could be prevented if both countries are willing to take a step back. Bloodshed would have been avoided. It is a matter of thousand of lives we are talking about. Not a single life should have been taken away for such a cause.

    Therefore, I do hope that every government should serve their people at their best interests. Why hate each other? We are all humans. Different cultures, different religions just make each and everyone unique. It should be the duty of individual to learn to embrace them and not discriminate. WORLD PEACE!
